This much will kill you
We all know to stay away from poisons. Like mercury where ingesting a 200 milligram dose would kill you. Or polonium which only requires 1 g of vaporized substance to wipe out 50 million people! But did know that 70 cups of coffee contains enough caffeine to kill a 70 kg person? This amount of caffeine can trigger heart palpitations or even cardiac arrest. Prefer alcohol as your beverage of choice? 13 consecutive shots could be lethal too. Because alcohol is a depressant, the area in the brain controlling basic life functions like breathing and heart rate brgin to shut down. Too much liquid in general can be dangerous as well. Though it takes a lot, water intoxication from around 6 liters causes brain cells to swell, leading to headaches, seizures, comas and even death in extreme cases. But if you stop drinking water or consume too much salt, your cells will start to shrink leading to the condition known as hypernatremia. 48 teaspoons of your favourite seasoning at once is enough to trigger this reaction, also leading to seizures, coma or even death. Stick your head underwater or simply hold your breath and it takes around 4 minutes without oxygen to cause severe brain injury and at 6 minutes, you could die. However, in extreme cases, some freedivers have been able to hold their breath fo over 20 minutes. Cherries can also deprive you of oxygen. Say what? If you ever swallow a cherry pit, you shouldn't worry too much, just don't bite into one. 1 or 2 ground cherry pits contains enough cyanide to take you down. And these cyanide ions inhibite the enzyme cytochrome coxidaze, causing your cells to be unable to use oxygen. Speaking of a lack of oxygen, it's at around 8000 meters above sea level that our bodies can no longer acclamatize to delemited oxigen this is known as the "death zone" in mountaineering simply being to talk is also kill you if you worry about your pet's life you may ever not to give them chocolate the same chemical Theobromine can kill us too our body metabolize Theobromine more effectively the with one thousand per kilogram being total humans which the equivalent at eighty-five for size chocolat bars at once you may want that many chocolate bars after getting hire howerver, you will need to eat twenty-two kilograms of marijuana to be a risk of death smoke it and a mere required over those is comically high.