Most secretive places on Earth
Hey Thoughty2 here, let's have a peak inside some of the most secretive places on earth. Shrouded in mystery, dens for the rich and powerful, where minds get together and hatch shady plans. These are the places you're just not aloud to go. Room 39 North Korea as a whole is a unnervingly secretive place, but there's one room, in one building that's the most secretive of all; Room 39. Established in the late 1970s, Room 39 is a government organisation, directly controlled by the Kim family. The goal of Room 39 is to seek underhanded and malicious ways to illegally obtain foreign currencies. It is rumoured the organisation utilises 10 to 20 bank accounts in China and Switzerland for the purposes of money laundering, counterfeiting and general shady transactions. It is widely speculated that Room 39 is deeply involved in government controlled drug smuggling and illicit weapon sales. We know that the organisation has 120 foreign trade companies under its jurisdiction. Nobody knows how it got it's name, but the Room itself is said to be located inside a ruling Workers' Party building in the capital city Pyongyang. Club 33 Somewhat less malicious, but just as secretive is Disneland's Club 33. Club 33 is a strictly member's only club and restaurant, discreetly located above the Blue Bayou in New Orleans Square. To become a member and step inside the notorious doorway you will need about $30,000, but even then there's a fourteen year waiting list. There's a strict member limit of only 487 people. The club has been frequented by presidents, prime ministers, actors and billionaires. It's the only place in Disneyland where you can buy an alcoholic beverage. Area 51 Located in southern Nevada, in the United States, Area 51 is large secretive military airfield, and arguably the most infamous and controversial location in this video. The use of lethal force is authorised if anyone attempts to step foot inside the base's perimeter. The base's primary function is to develop and test experimental aircraft and weapons systems. However, because of the government's incredibly tight grasp on the base's secrecy, Area 51 has been the subject of many UFO conspiracies. Many believe the base is used to examine and attempt to reverse engineer crashed alien spaceships, alien technology, and even alien lifeforms. White's Gentlemen's Club Founded in 1693 by Francesco Bianco, White's is the most exclusive gentlemen's club in existence. White's is located in London, England and gained a reputation for it's exclusivity and often laddish behaviour of its members. Women are completely banned from the club, the only woman to have ever been entertained by the club is Queen Elizabeth II. The only way to become a member of the club and step foot inside the door, is to first be a man and second be invited by a current member of the club, who has the support of two other members. Which, unless you're best buddies with a member of the Royal family or a powerful politician, isn't likely to happen. Current notable members include Prince Charles and Prince William. British Prime Minister David Cameron was a former member for 15 years, but resigned in 2008 because he disagreed with the club's male-only policy. The club is famous for its betting book in which members make outrageous bets, such as a £3,000 bet on which of two raindrops would slide down the window first. RAF Menwith Hill Menwith Hill is a Royal Air Force base in North Yorkshire, England. The primary job of this mysterious RAF base is to spy on and intercept enemy signals, satellites and missiles. The base has heavy connections with the global ECHELON spy network, the ECHELON network is a close-nit global spy alliance between the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. RAF Menwith Hill is the largest electronic monitoring station in the world and a lot of its work is done on behalf of the US National Security Agency. Menwith Hill originally created during the Cold War to spy on the Soviet Union and their allies. But it has since been used to spy on terrorists and drug dealers. It has even been used to monitor and gain intelligence on foreign political and diplomatic bodies. Some believe it has been heavily involved with commercial espionage and mass eavesdropping on telephone and radio communications. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center Deep in the forests of the U.S. state of Virginia is a last resort base, setup incase an "end of the world" situation ever arises. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center was setup by FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, it is where high profile individuals and government officials will shelter from the impending doom during an apocalypse. Very little is known about the base because it's details are highly classified, the base is constantly protected by armed guards and razor wire. The complex consists of two extremely large areas, Area A, which is above ground, contains dormitories, a laboratory, a training area, an on-site sewage treatment plant and two water tanks holding 250,000 gallons of water, amongst many other facilities, it is said the complex is completely self-contained. Area B is entirely underground, some believe there is an entire self-sustaining city below ground, that apparently consists of private apartments, streets and sidewalks, cafeterias and hospitals, a power plant, an underground mass transit system and a TV network. Mount Yamantaw Mount Yamantaw is the tallest mountain in the Ural mountain range in Russia, standing at 1,640 metres (5,381 ft) tall. In the local language, Mount Yamantaw means "evil mountain". The U.S. government strongly believe that hidden deep within the mountain is a massive stockpile of nuclear weapons housed in an underground military facility. There is a top secret town just south of the mountain called Mezhgorye, the town is permanently closed to the outside world some believe the town contains a human civilisation employed to develop nuclear weaponry. The U.S. government has repeatedly asked Russia what it's hiding there and their answers are strangely inconsistent. Over the years Russia have said it's a mining site, a repository for Russian treasures, a food storage area and last but not least a bunker for leaders in case of a nuclear war. Come on Russia, make your mind up.