Dr. Bruce Lipton: We are programmed at birth
95% of our life is coming from the programs of life how to live life that we get in the first seven years of life That's why poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich The movie The Matrix is not science fiction. It's a documentary Every human is a fact Every human first seven years is is download the hypnosis the brain of a child under seven is in a lower Vibrational frequency to put wires on a person's head you read? Electroencephalograph reading brain activity a child below seven has a lower vibration than consciousness that it's called theta Theta is imagination. Oh, that's how kids play a a tea party with mud pies But to them it's a real thing a kid rides a broom. It's a horse. It's that's theta imagination Theta is also hypnosis and the idea is this Before you can become conscious If you don't have any programs, what are you gonna be conscious of so nature makes the first seven years How what kind of programs are required to live on this planet? I say how do you get them theta is hypnosis You just watch your watch your parents your watch your siblings and your community because you have to learn How many hundred thousand rules think about it? Just to be a functional member of a family and a functional member of a community. There are rules I teach an infant these rules I say you don't have to first seven years They're just that day to observe it and just download it. Look this is not new I mean There's the famous book Rich, Dad Poor Dad And basically said you come from a poor family and you could struggle your whole life and tribe get rich But you're not going to make it and if you come from a rich family You could be stupid your whole life and make it not because it was thinking but it was Unconscious behavior that was downloaded from rich families into kids Which is unconscious? So they're they're making the right moves unconsciously if they engage their conscious mind and they look stupid But it's unconscious and that's the same thing with poor people Poor people have beliefs from the family or you can't make it life's a struggle things are hard. Who do you think you are and If that's the program you get then 95% of the day you will sabotage yourself and that's why poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich because the programming 95% of our life is the fact Comes from those programs in the subconscious every day only about 5% of the life. Are you using conscious which is creative 5% of your life is being lived Even though you think you're living your life exactly and you don't see it because it's called subconscious below conscious And the jesuits for 400 years They were Bost and people didn't understand they say give me a child until it's 7 and I will show you the man they've been saying that for 400 years because they knew 7 years was the program period and 95% of your life after that will be whatever that program is So you don't have to try and think about what happened I just say look at your life The things you like that come into your life come in because you have a program that supports them But anything you struggle with work hard at put a lot of effort into making it happen Why are you working so hard? Inevitably you have a program that doesn't support that conclusion and you're trying to override the program. So You don't need to do a lot of strength and psychology stuff. You just look at your life and say where am I struggling? Because wherever you're struggling Inevitably is a program in your subconsciousness does not support that destination you've been looking for The conscious mind is creative and can learn in any number of ways read a self-help book Go to Electra listen to this program and conscious minds going to get some awareness and I go yeah But subconscious mind doesn't learn that way I go Ryan doesn't subconscious mind learns in two fundamental ways naturally hypnosis, which is the first seven years and After age seven, how do you put new programs in repetition? Practice you want to drive a car? You didn't loan learn How by just getting in the seat for the key and you had to practice driving the car you want to learn the alphabet How many times did you go from A to Z? You know trying to go to is that before you can complete it? Once you've completed it, you didn't have to go back and do it again. So two phases you want to train the subconscious mind hypnosis Repetition the I like the last one because there's a new phrase that's bandied about called fake it till you make it Meaning if you're not a happy person. I said you want to be a happy person then repeat all the time. I'm happy I'm happy I say well, you don't look happy right? They said no I Who am I talking to it by repetition? I'm talking to subconscious if subconscious gets I am happy and 95% of your life comes from that subconscious. There will be a point once the subconscious got I am happy You don't have to say it again Okay It'll be automatic and that's why we people see people do affirmations and the gratitude journals and stuff because if you do that daily It's repetitive it that's it That's the secret part like putting a sticky note on the refrigerator is more like a suggestion But it's not a repetition. So it doesn't work very well. But you have to do repetition is a it's a habit It's making habit so you got to do something Religiously in a sense of repeating it repeating it repeating it to make it work